Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Different Positions of Volleyball

 - Kirby Lee/Contributor/Getty Images Sport/Getty ImagesAs I foreshadowed the different positions of the players in my first post, there are 6 players on the court. To recap, the positions you can play in the game are: the outside hitters (2),the opposite (1), the setter (1), the middle blocker (1) or the libero (1).   

Outside Hitter: This player is an all around player in the court. This player runs most plays (setter decides what the play is) and gets the most attack points for the team. The outside hitter is usually in the front left side of the court. He/she is responsible for being a solid hitter and a solid blocker. 

 Opposite:  This player runs the plays in the front row and back row right side of the court, and is the opposite of the setter. He/she is responsible for blocking the outside hitters of the other team, and for being a solid hitter and a solid blocker. If the setter cannot set the ball, the opposite must be ready to set the ball for the setter, due to his/her position (easier to get to the ball). 

Setter: This player usually touches the ball second, after a libero or another player bumps the ball to him/her. The setter is responsible for knowing and deciding which combination plays to run. The plays may vary due to how the ball was received and if his/her's hitters are available. The setter is responsible for knowing and remembering all the plays and making a decision where and when the ball is going to be. 

Middle Blocker: This player usually reads the opponents setter; this way he/she is ready to block the hitters according to where they're going to run the play. The main job of a middle blocker is to block. When a middle blocker is not able to block the play, the middle blocker comes back to ready position, to run quick plays. Two plays that a middle player can run are an "A quick" and a "B quick"; middle blockers running this play are able to confuse and frustrate the other team's defense.

5th Asian Games Doha 2006 - Previews - Ross Land/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images Libero: This player is one of the most important player on the court. This player specializes in defending the ball from falling, and stays in the court for the whole game, unless he/she is injured. The libero always plays in the back row and never in the front row; he/she also wears a different coloured jersey from his/her teammates. The   main job of a libero is to receive and pass well to his/her teammates.The libero is responsible for digging up and chasing after the ball when the opponent attacks, or when they make a poor reception. 

Images and Information
Oden, Beverly. "Learn About Volleyball Positions and Roles." N.p., n.d. Web

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