Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Indoor Volleyball Rules and How to Play

A usual volleyball team, on court, consists of 6 players; 3 players are in the front row and the other 3 are in the back row. These 6 players all have different roles in the game; outside hitters (2), setter (1), opposite (1), middle blocker (1), and a libero (1). 

Serving: A volleyball game starts with a serve. The player serving for the game, takes place in the back right corner of the court. When serving, the player must be behind the line (outside line of the court, farthest to the net), or else it will cost your team to lose the point. Two ways in which a player can serve is either overhand or underhand. 


Receiving: When receiving the ball from a serve, the first hit that is likely played is called  a bump. Bumping is when you use your forearms to receive the ball, and slowly pushing the ball up parallel to the floor or passing it to the setter. The setter volleys the ball to the opposite or outside hitters and attacks. This 3 hit play is called the "bump, set, spike/attack". The ball is preferably played with only 3 hits and is passed over the net. 

Defense: When the opponent is running a combination play, the role of your team is to defend. Defending during a game is called blocking. The 3 players in the front row are responsible for blocking the ball from touching the floor from your side of the court or from attacking.  In order to block, two players come together to form a tight wall, that is solid and stabilized, and blocks the ball from going to your side of the court. If a block does not succeed, liberos or other players have the responsibility of covering that space where the ball is coming down. 

Scoring: There are many ways in which a team can obtain scores. These scores can come from errors, aces, blocks,  and unsuccessful combination plays. A team may also obtain scores if the opponent makes a mistake through his/her actions. A foot going under the net and crossing the court, a player touching the net, and the team hitting the ball 4 times or more, are some of the mistakes players make that can give away easy points. Serving errors (stepping on the line, stepping over the line, serving the ball right into the net), and good blocks are other ways a team can gain scores. 

Duration: A volleyball game can last up to 5 sets; the first 4 sets/each set is up to 25 points, while the fifth set is only up to 15 points. 

"The 6 Positions Of Volleyball Show Where To PLAY And Where To Start Your Rotation." Volleyball Drills and Conditioning at Volleyball Training Ground. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
"Volleyball | About the Balls." About the Balls. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
"GCA Jr High Volleyball." GCA Jr High Volleyball. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.

"What Are the Different Positions in Volleyball? Learn 6 Positions of Volleyball." N.p., n.d. Web.
"How to Play Volleyball." WikiHow. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.
Oden, Beverly. "Learn About Volleyball Positions and Roles." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2015.

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